Presentation on thesis research.

Venue for ethnomusicology project about Sunsang, electro-acoustic gamelan ensemble.

Presentation on popular music project in the choral classroom with Marsha Vanderwerff.

Presentation on thesis research.
Practioner Presentations
Box, C. (2015, January). Student leadership in the elementary classroom. Arizona Music Educators Association, Mesa, Arizona.
Schultz, E.; Box, C. (2014, January). Garage band in the secondary classroom.
Arizona Music Educators Association, Mesa, Arizona.
Box, C. (2014, January). Technology in the general music classroom. Arizona
Music Educators Association, Mesa, Arizona.
Vanderwerff, M; Box, C. (2014, January). A popular music project in the choral
classroom. Arizona Music Educators Association, Mesa, Arizona.
Box, C. (2010, June). Using the smart board in the general music classroom. New Mexico Kodály Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Box, C. (2009, March). Using the smart board in the general music classroom.
Northeast ISD District Professional Development, San Antonio, Texas. Invited.
Box, C. (2009, January). Using the smart board in the general music classroom. 2010 Kodály Collage Workshop, San Antonio, Texas.
Research Presentations
Box Mitchell, C. (2019, May). "I Wish I Could": The musical lives of children experiencing homelessness. Presentation at Mountain Lake Colloquium.
Box, C. (2015, May). Exploration of the intersection of music education and homelessness in the classroom. Roundtable discussion at Mountain Lake Colloquium.
Box, C. (2014, May). The musical life of Lilian L. Wixom. Poster presented at the Artswork Colloquium, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
Vanderwerff, M.; Box, C. (2013, September). A popular music project in the choral classroom: Teacher learning. Paper presented at the New Directions in Music Education Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
Vanderwerff, M.; Box, C. (2013). Mash it up!: Student learning from a popular music project in the choral classroom. Poster presented at the Symposium for Music Teacher Education, University of North Carolina – Greensboro, Greensboro, North Carolina.
Tobias, E.; Box, C.; Johnston, N.; O’Leary, J. (2013). Engaging with popular and participatory cultures: Implications for music teaching and learning. Panel presentation at the 2014 New Directions in Music Education Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
Box, C. (2013). Sungsang: Electro-acoustic gamelan music ensemble. Paper presented at the Artswork Colloquium, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
Box, C. (2011). A comparison of The Kodály Method by Lois Choksy and Kodály Today by Mícheál Houlahan and Philip Tacka. Poster presented at the Texas Music Educators Association, San Antonio, Texas.
Box, C. (2011). A comparison of The Kodály Method by Lois Choksy and Kodály Today by Mícheál Houlahan and Philip Tacka. Poster presented at the Organization of American Kodaly Educators National Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Box, C. (2010). A comparison of The Kodály Method by Lois Choksy and Kodály Today by Mícheál Houlahan and Philip Tacka. Paper presented at the Texas State University – San Marcos International Research Conference, San Marcos, Texas.
Box, C. (2008). Before the method: An analysis of the early influences on the
external life of Zoltán Kodály and implications for contemporary music educators. Paper presented at the College Music Society, Regional Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.